Gandhi only one – none before, none after
Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth - Albert Einstein
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Defence Minister Rajnath Singh says for the second time Prime Minister Narendra Modi is the first leader after Mahatma Gandhi to know the pulse of the people. Singh does not stop there. He describes Modi as the man who is bringing about a cultural renaissance. Singh even calls Modi a social reformer. I have no problem in praising Modi sky high but drawing parallels with Mahatma Gandhi is a bit indigestible. In a previous column, we discussed the relevance of Gandhi and how the Mahatma walked the talk vis-a-vis the present-day politicians who do not believe in practising what they preach. As my friend and media veteran Anil Singh commented, our leaders believe in "Be the change that I want to see" (and not be the changer that you want to see).
Since the Prime Minister is sworn by Constitution, let us assume for a moment that he believes in free speech and the value of opposition. If we do not have credible Opposition, does it mean that the government's functioning should beone-way traffic where only bouquets matter and there is no scope for brickbats? When he talks of a heathy democracy, he should tell his followers to cut downon their 'Only Modi' mission and talk of 'Only India'. Even God says, as perour scriptures, that his devotees need not praise him too much and instead focuson their duties. Remember, Karmanye Vaadhikaraste, which means "Perform your duty but do not have any expectation of the fruits".
There are many big lessons that we can draw from the life of Mahatma Gandhi and one of them is his simplicity. Simple living and high thinking – as we learnt in our primary schools. No simple living man would allow sycophancy. He would know where to draw the lines between genuine praise and sycophancy. He should be telling his people that they would protect their positions and chairs by winning the praise of the people, and not by praising the leader. We are repeatedly forced to remind the current politicians to learn from the impact of the 'India is Indira and Indira is India' campaign and how the Congress suffered and was snubbed because of these 'chamchas'. One would often notice this writing on the wheels, I mean on trucks: Seth Imaandaar Hai, Chamchon se Pareshan Hai'. Seth, meaning the leader, should beware of the chamchas. Inner-party democracy and genuine criticism are the hallmark of success of any organisation - be it a corporate or the BJP or Congress party. So, if there is no Opposition, create one and don't go by what the chamchas say.
In this context, it is worth mentioning what Roads and Highways Minister, NitinGadkari said recently. While launching the NHAI InvIT bonds, he called upon the people's participation, particularly the senior citizens and retired persons and said, "India's growth is only possible when it will be led by its own people." This is the kind of inclusive governance that we have been talking about. Political parties will do well if they firmly go for-the-people and by-the-people dictum.
This is where I disagree with the Double Engine doctrine. Let people decide the kind of government or political party that they want. No one should send the message that your State will do well if you have a double engine government. That amounts to blackmailing people to vote for a particular party. The doubleengine doctrine is against cooperative federalism that Modi and Co talk about. If UP develops, West Bengal should also progress with the Centre's help and if Kashmir gets a package, Kerala should also get some sops. The leadership must treat India as one nation, particularly when they talk of1.25 billion people. Doesn't the Prime Minister say: "I am successful because Ihave the blessings of savasau crore people?" But in the breath, he talks about the double engine governments that amount dividing the 125 crore people on the basis of political colour. double engine is responsible for getting big projects to UP, Himachal Pradesh people realised the importance of double engine government and so on and soforth. Hopefully, Maharashtra will also get the similar benefits if the ED(Eknath-Devendra) Sarkar survives. Are the people of other States supposed tobe sucking their thumbs? No, this is not the way to follow Gandhi.
Gandhi would never have allowed such blatant partiality and insult of the voters just because they elected the government of their choice. If you keep referring to the 125 crore Indians in your speeches in India and abroad, in public meetings and video calls, you must treat all Indians and their States with the same yardstick – The Indian Engine of Growth. That's the cultural revolution we need, Mr Rajnath Singh!
The impact of the double engine is seen in poll-bound Gujarat which is in fullglare now. The Prime Minister travels to Gujarat on almost every weekend or he launches projects by video conference. Even the Defence Expo is held in Gujarat with the Defence Minister holding parleys with foreign counterparts there. Last time around, the Defence Expo was held in UP, when it was close toelections. This obviously gives the BJP government an opportunity to talkenough and more about the party-ruled States attracting investments. This apart,the PM has already launched projects valued at close to Rs 40,000 crore in Gujarat in less than three months. In one event, he went to the extent of saying"we don't do work to win elections, we work for the people who elect us." Good enough message for the people who do not elect his party. People's expectations all across are the same – Vikas or progress, jobs, peace and ease of living and happiness all over. You cannot differentiate the people on the basis of their votes. And this is certainly not the way to know the pulse of the people and act according to it.
Demonetisation would not have been bulldozed had the government known thepulse of the people. The Farm Laws would not have been pushed through Parliament had there been any sense of the reaction that they would evoke. Remember, the laws were forced to be rescinded with the public outcry through an agitation that lasted seven months.There are many more policies that are not for the people and of the people butfar and off from the people. We shall discuss them later. For the time being, let us just say its miles to go for us to glorify anyone as the next best leader after Mahatma Gandhi.
(The author is a Mumbai-based mediaveteran, known for his thought-provoking messaging. The views expressed are personal)